Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ate Wankantanka, Mitawa ki,

Ate Wankantanka, Mitawa ki,
Wazi ya tanhan, ka te na Wa ska ki u ya ye ki,
Hena un taku ya kage ki, ya glu ska kta, he ca nu,
He iye cel, Wakantanka, Anpetu ki le, Micante Ki Mi ci yu ska ye,
He cel tohanl, nitokab woyasu ki el, wahinajin ki, ima ya cu kta.

Ate Wakantanka,
Wiyohiyanpatan, wi hin nape, ki,
He ciya tanhan Wiconi oyasin, hin na pe ki,
Wiconi mitawa ki el, anpetu wanji a ke mi qu,
Heon wo pi la eci ci ye, micante ki eciya tanhan.

My Father, Great Spirit,
Who send'est the wind and the White Snow from the north,
To make thy creation clean and pure,
Father, make me clean and pure within my heart,
That I may be accepted in thy sight and judgement.

Father, Great Spirit,
To the east from whence cometh the rising of the sun,
and all thy living creation,
Thou hast added another day to my life,
for which I give thee Thanks with all my heart.

This Lakota prayer was given Barbara Lovelace in recognition of Wounded Knee.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Michelle Obama orders women close to her husband to be watched in case he cheats on her like John F Kennedy did to his wife, a new book claims.
The First Lady is supposedly ‘unusually jealous’ and has so little trust in Barack Obama that she turns up unannounced during the day to see what he is doing.
She also objected to her husband’s close relationship to U.S. chat show queen Oprah Winfrey - and shunned her because she ‘hates fat people’.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Political Mathematics

KABUL, May 1  -- U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in Afghan capital Kabul on Tuesday for an unannounced visit.

What if…….. ?

 1 Kabul Kaboom + 1 Biden Blunder

= Romney shoe-in.